vendredi 24 juin 2016

specific operator overloading help c++ [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: Operator overloading 7 answers I'm trying to overload operators in this program and I'm getting confused what to do next...? I'm wanting to include all off the following: Assignment operator (“=”). Comparison operators (“<”, “<=”, “==”, “!=”, “>=”, “>”) Concatenation operator (“&”). Concatenation and assignment operator (“&=”) Input operator (“>>”). Output operator (“<<”). And trying to meet these requirements: Above items 1 through 4 should have versions that work with a String object and a “C” type string on the right of the operator. Items 5 and 6 require a String object to the right of the operator. Items 1 and 4 will require a String object on the left of the operator. Items 2 and 3 should have versions that allow both a String object and a “C” type string on the left of the operator. Item 3 does not modify the object to the left of the operator. TestString.cpp: #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <memory.h> #include <string.h> #include "TestString.h" #pragma warning (disable:4996) TestString::TestString() // the :: is telling the compiler that this method belongs to the class TestString { NumChars = 0; MaxSlots = NumChars; pChar = new char[1]; pChar[0] = '�'; } TestString::TestString(const char Str[]) { NumChars = strlen(Str); MaxSlots = NumChars; pChar = new char[NumChars + 1]; strcpy(pChar, Str); } TestString::TestString(const TestString & Str) { NumChars = Str.NumChars; MaxSlots = NumChars; pChar = new char[NumChars + 1]; strcpy(pChar, Str.pChar); } TestString::~TestString() // destructor { delete[] pChar; } int TestString::Compare(const TestString & Str) const { return strcmp(pChar, Str.pChar); } int TestString::Compare(const char Str[]) const { return strcmp(pChar, Str); } TestString & TestString::Copy(const TestString & Str) { if (this != &Str) { if (MaxSlots < Str.NumChars) { delete[] pChar; MaxSlots = Str.NumChars; pChar = new char[MaxSlots + 1]; } else; NumChars = Str.NumChars; strcpy(pChar, Str.pChar); } else; return *this; // if we are a method in a class, the word this means the address of the class object } /* TestString & TestString::Concat(const TestString & Str) { pTemp = new char[NumChars + Str.NumChars + 1]; strcpy(pTemp, pChar); strcat(pTemp, Str.pChar); delete[]pChar; pChar = pTemp; return *this; } */ TestString & TestString::Concat(const char Str[]) { delete[] pChar; NumChars = strlen(Str); MaxSlots = NumChars; pChar = new char[MaxSlots + 1]; return *this; } ostream & TestString::Display(ostream & out) const // this const means that I am not changing any members of the class I belong to { out << pChar; return out; } ostream & TestString::DisplayLine(ostream & out) const { out << pChar << endl; return out; } istream & TestString::Read(istream & in) { const int Guess(50); char c; char * pTemp; NumChars = 0; while ((pChar[NumChars] = in.get()) != 'n') { NumChars++; if (NumChars >= MaxSlots) { MaxSlots += Guess; pTemp = new char[MaxSlots + 1]; memcpy(pTemp, pChar, NumChars); delete[] pChar; pChar = pTemp; } else; } pChar[NumChars] = '�'; return in; } TestString TestString::operator & (const TestString & Str) const { TestString Temp(*this); //making a temporary TestString and setting it to be a copy of the object we are a member of Temp.Concat (Str); return Temp; } TestString.h: #ifndef TEST_STRING_H #define TEST_STRING_H class TestString { // friend ostream & operator << (ostream &, const TestString &); // friend says that this method // has full access to the class members even though it is not a member itself public: TestString(); // known as a default constructor explicit TestString(const char[]); // explicit says that this constructor cannot be used for automatic promotion TestString(const TestString &); // known as a copy constructor ~TestString(); int Compare(const TestString &) const; int Compare(const char[]) const; TestString & Copy(const TestString &); TestString & Concat(const TestString & Str); TestString & Concat(const char Str[]); ostream & Display(ostream & = cout) const; ostream & DisplayLine(ostream & = cout) const; int Length() const; istream & Read(istream & = cin); TestString & operator = (const TestString &); // TestString & operator = (const char []); bool operator == (const TestString &); bool operator == (const char[]); TestString operator & (const TestString &) const; TestString operator &= (const TestString &) const; private: char * pChar; int NumChars; int MaxSlots; }; main.cpp: #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "TestString.h" void main() { TestString Str1; TestString Str2("abcd"); TestString Str3(Str2); int Result; cout << "Testing Display" << endl; Str2.Display (); cout << "Testing DisplayLine" << endl; Str2.DisplayLine (); Result = Str2.Compare (Str3); if (Result < 0) { Str2.Display(); cout << " comes before "; Str3.Display(); cout << endl; } else if (Result > 0) { Str3.Display(); cout << " comes before "; Str2.Display(); cout << endl; } else { Str2.Display(); cout << " is the same as "; Str3.Display(); cout << endl; } Result = Str2.Compare ("wxyz"); Str1.Copy (Str3); Str1 = Str3; Str1.operator = (Str3); Str2.Copy (Str2); cout << "Str1 contains " << Str1.Length () << " characters" << endl; if (Str1 == Str2) cout << "Equal" << endl; else cout << "Not equal" << endl; if (Str1 == "abcd") cout << "Equal" << endl; else cout << "Not equal" << endl; if ("wxyz" == Str1) cout << "Equal" << endl; else cout << "Not equal" << endl; cout << "String 1 is " << Str1 << endl; do { cout << "Enter characters: "; cin >> Str1; cout << "You entered: " << Str1 << endl; } while (!(Str1 == "abcd")); cout << "Bye" << endl; Str1 = Str2 & Str3; //concatenate Str2 and Str3 (do not change either one) and place into Str1 Str1 = Str2 &= Str3; //concatenate Str2 and Str3 and put into Str2 then into Str1 }

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