mercredi 29 juin 2016

Setting up Qt for CLion

i am struggling to set up Qt5 for CLion. Somehow, I did this for VS before but failed to do this in CLion. Building and Including Qt headers are fine and CLion find qt symbols and auto-completes them but when i am using an Qt object Clion giving me this error:

C:Usersbinhb.CLion2016.1systemcmakegeneratedLBMTopoOptimization-ae159e87ae159e87DebugLBMTopoOptimization.exe Process finished with exit code -1073741515 (0xC0000135)

My CMake file looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

# Find includes in corresponding build directories
# Instruct CMake to run moc automatically when needed.

# set prefix path for Qt5
set (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "C:\QT\5.7\mingw53_32\")

# Find QT Libraries
find_package( Qt5Core REQUIRED )
find_package( Qt5Widgets REQUIRED )
find_package( Qt5Gui REQUIRED )

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -std=c++11")

set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(LBMTopoOptimization ${SOURCE_FILES})

# Use the modules from Qt 5.
target_link_libraries(LBMTopoOptimization Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui)

The error would already occur by using for example a QString:

#include <QWidget>

int main(int argc, char** argv ){
    QString name = "this is a string";
return 0;
  • System specification:
  • Windows 10
  • Clion 1.3
  • Qt 5.7
  • CMake 3.6 rc3
  • mingw-gcc 4.9.3

I looking forward for any hints.

1 commentaire:

  1. You need to copy qt dlls in to cmake.-build-debug folder. More info
