I'm have issues with the test-flight version of our app when attempting to take a photo. On most devices everything works fine, but something seems to be going wrong, specifically on iPhone 6. Because we don't have an iPhone 6 it's very hard to find out what the issue is without console output.
Our camera calling code looks like this (note some of this is specific to the Moai platform):
int MOAIAppIOS::_takeCamera( lua_State* L ) {
int x, y, width, height = 0;
NSUInteger sourceType;
MOAILuaState state ( L );
if ( state.IsType ( 1, LUA_TFUNCTION )) {
MOAIAppIOS::Get ().mOnTakeCameraCallback.SetRef ( state, 1 );
sourceType = state.GetValue < NSUInteger >( 2, 0 );
x = state.GetValue < int >( 3, 0 );
y = state.GetValue < int >( 4, 0 );
width = state.GetValue < int >( 5, 0 );
height = state.GetValue < int >( 6, 0 );
[AVCaptureDevice requestAccessForMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo completionHandler:^(BOOL granted)
if (granted == true)
UIImagePickerNoRotate *ipc = [[UIImagePickerNoRotate alloc]
UIWindow* window = [[ UIApplication sharedApplication ] keyWindow ];
UIViewController* rootVC = [ window rootViewController ];
ipc.delegate = MOAIAppIOS::Get ().mTakeCameraListener;
ipc.sourceType = sourceType;
[rootVC presentViewController:ipc animated:YES completion:nil];
return 0;
void MOAIAppIOS::callTakeCameraLuaCallback (NSString *imagePath) {
MOAILuaRef& callback = MOAIAppIOS::Get ().mOnTakeCameraCallback;
MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
state.Push ([imagePath UTF8String]);
state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
NSLog(@"callback sent");
I also added the following to the pList:
<string>Camera is used to add custom items to the game</string>
<string>Microphone is used to record custom items for the game</string>
These seemed like a very similar issues:
iOS Camera permissions doesn't appear under settings in some devices
Permission to take photo OR get image from library not shown in iOS9 (Xcode 7beta, Swift2)
But I have tried all the fixes there to no avail.
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